This is a real heavy rock on art arena, definitely keep on! "Good job Duck" ........ PETERIS
Thank you for your invitation, dear Harry. I was impressed about the expressiv way you painted you motivs.Best regards. HEINZ
Very sensual and strong work.Stay in touch. Alan
Travail atypique, puissant et brutal. Très technique avec une gestuelle qui correspond bien aux sujets. Il ne correspond pas à la ligne de la galerie, mais je ferai passer vos coordonnées à des confrères que votre travail peut intéresser.Bonne réussite dans votre pratique, cordialement, JC
Hello, Nice to meet you too, I have visited your website and to be honest. I was a little bit dazzled by the your use of colour and subject. It was in my face all the time. Your paintings give me a unconfertable feeling, as if I,m watching people in a very personal situation. It looks like they are very inportant for you and have personal meaning. The tell a story I think. I can,t say I like them. I hope you don't mind. But you made me feel something and not many painting let me feel something.........I wish you succes en a Great time painting! Sarah
J'ai visiter votre site et je dois dire que j'ai été époustouflée! Vous travailler les portraits et les corps comme moi, mais autant les miens sont plutôt doux que les vôtres sont provocants, crus (notamment du fait du rouge et noir), et même parfois violents! Cela ne me ressemble pas, mais j'aime beaucoup! Je me demande quand même si tout cela ne cache pas de la colère...je devrais essayer ça doit soulager... Bonne continuation! Mercedes
I have looked at your site and some of your works are full on angst yet others are very much fun. I particularly like the beach wear scenes !!!
You have a talent and you should keep working on it.Kindest . Anthony
VERY INTERESTING STUFF!! I can so you doing very good sales with the goth & horror groups. It's really cool. The rest of this group should check out your site. A style of your own, with a flair that's undeniable. Good work. GEORGE
Have been on your site, you are an obsessed person and i like your work, the pictural cartoon-like style bye bye, Frank
Forte votre oeuvre !!!! Trop forte pour les personnes qui passent a la galerie. Mon espace est encore trop jeune pour provoquer les sens de mes collectionneurs. Je garde vos coordonnées pour plus tard . Fabienne
I like your work; it is a bit disturbing, but good art is, I think. something to give you reason to think about... Good luck on your work and bon succès! Vincent
I like your work a lot. Your style is quite unique and emotional depth. Frank
About “ Madonas from Ohms to Alep”:
Really is great love the detail and the color resonates how much love u have in you're heart if I would judge it I d say 99/100 . RJ
Your expression is very originality.
It is very emotional and I felt in your works something like a power which human has by nature.
If anything, I prefer unemotional expression, but the painting of MAO is very nice among your works. Shoichi
Bonjour Harrys, votre travail est superbe,surprenant, je dirai unique aussi! J'aime beaucoup! bravo
Bien cordialement Nataly
Thanks for getting in touch!
I must say, I find your work very interesting, very powerful, very hedonistic somehow, and feels like there is a lot of anxiety... I am curious about your philosophy behind it. Elina
Votre oeuvre est absolument magnifique. Une grande énergie s'en dégage presque comparable à celle des expressionnistes allemands. Margaux
I truly enjoy the sardonic and mordant humor, a little bit of George Grosz; An artist I have always loved. WAYNE
Very different! I am a fan. JOSHUA
J'ai regardé attentivement votre site, votre travail est très intéressant mais très typé dans le style. On ne peut mélanger vos toiles qu'avec
d'autres artistes ayant autant de caractère. Ce n'est pas impossible! Patrice
Je viens de regarder votre travail et j'ai vraiment beaucoup aimé,
je trouves qu'il soit très impactant, bouleversant.. enfin,vraiment quelque chose q'on ne voit pas tous le jours! Ramona
Hi Harry's
I can't wait to show a student your work!
The color pallet and the subject is so real and raw! Love it! Linda
HARRYS, you have one amazing imagination! Your artwork is a real tret for they eyes! C'est formidable, merci beaucoup Jack
Harrys hello ... you have a beautiful gallery ... your work is very deep ... very intense ...i like this... J.C
Our Curatorial Review Committee was most impressed by your superb Figurative paintings which are a triumph of personal expression as you encapsulate the human experience. Our noteworthy Curatorial Review Committee was most impressed by "GENESIS" which resonates with a profound visual narrative as you reveal an intense human empathy for life. The artistic journey that you portray in your stellar work "GRAZIA" explores the complexities of strong shapes as it resonates with a dynamic silhouette. We were particularly engaged by the fluidity of line in "SILENCE" with its symbolic message as well as the strength of your unique artistic vision of capturing the impalpable as you seize the essence of the emotional and physical experience. We salute you on the exciting interplay of color, movement and space in your " KATA" and how you capture a special spirit of the joie de vivre of life. Your Figurative Themed art viscerally challenges the viewer to a high level of emotional response and illustrates a vibrant visual intensity and the essence of the human experience;We are so pleased with your marvelous art and the positive energy of your stellar compositions. Ruthie
Many thanks Harrys. I just looked up your artworks. Your dark and disruptive style is intriguing. I look forward to learn more from your rich experience in contemporary and mix-media, and understand art better. SADHANA
C'est avec grand plaisir que nous avons parcouru l'ensemble de vos œuvres sur votre site.
Ce travail sensible révèle l'humain, la complexité d'un artiste tel que vous.
La qualité de la touche de votre peinture et l'originalité de la présentation de vos portraits nous a beaucoup touché. FLORENCE
Just looking at this picture for a second, i came up with ideas for a great short-film, or 5,000 word short-story... Although, it could go in endless directions, by the usage of the color and space...
Art that can trigger a mind in an instant, is truly great art, nice job! JASON